Friday, October 25, 2013

Tax Foundation ranks Indiana 10th best in its 2014 State Business Tax Climate Index

The 10 best states in this year’s Index:
  1. Wyoming
  2. South Dakota
  3. Nevada
  4. Alaska
  5. Florida
  6. Washington
  7. Montana
  8. New Hampshire
  9. Utah
10. Indiana
The 10 lowest ranked, or worst, states in this year’s Index:
41. Maryland
42. Connecticut
43. Wisconsin
44. North Carolina
45. Vermont
46. Rhode Island
47. Minnesota
48. California
49. New Jersey
50. New York
The report mentions that in 2011, Indiana approved a gradual reduction in the corporate rate through 2015, which will continue to improve Indiana's score.  It also notes that Indiana's personal income tax rate is scheduled to gradually decline (but only slightly) through 2017.
Of course, any income tax is counterproductive to a robust economy.  But Indiana at least appears to be headed the right direction.

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